creative guidelines
designing flexibility means a relentless focus on changeable solutions that are versatile, modular, and adaptivE
1. go modular
Have a “Lego block”mindset: products and services should be that easy to reconfigure & customize on the fly.
Add modular & kinetic elements to objects and systems to allow for more flexibility: to meet individual needs, or needs that change over time.
2. enable flexibility
Create systems and services that can easily be adjusted to allow people to define their own optimal experience.
Leverage various combinations of online and in-person services to accommodate a wide variety of customer preferences.
sense & adapt
Leverage smart sensors to understand changes in context and understand what those changes mean for the user.
Design systems that are able to self-adjust on the fly in order to accommodate the change of context or a new user need.
3. context is key
Start your creative process with an appreciation for the different contexts that it may be experienced in. Create with the idea of your output being able to flex to fit a wide range of contexts, uses, or moods.
4. be responsive
Designs should be able to fit and adapt to multiple locations and scenarios. Instead of creating one-off designs, think about creating systems and families.
Use data-fueled strategies for how you can better serve people by automatically shaping your ecosystem to them, rather than requiring them to adapt to you.