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When an organization wants to grow, the path forward is through finding new opportunities. This should be a human-focused activity, uncovering people’s values, behaviors, and beliefs. Understanding their core motivations is the key to creating meaningful products, services, or experiences that resonate with their deeply-held needs.

Opportunity Finding also takes into account the market/tech/aesthetic context, to bring better focus to the business and design dimensions of the outcomes.

  • What do new behaviors and attitudes reveal about people’s needs?

  • What innovative technologies might enable newness?

  • Which design trends express new aesthetic preferences?

  • What can we learn from adjacent industries?

  • What competitive benchmarks can help focus differentiation?



desk & field research

Deep immersion in the context; understanding the people, spaces, technologies, and influences that are at play. This can take the form of desk research, ethnographic interviews, market immersions, digital diaries, expert interviews, roundtable discussions, etc.

pattern findinG

Analysis that reveals the hidden connections between observed phenomena. These patterns, or themes, form the backbone of the insights that will ladder up to opportunities. In the case of consumer insights, understanding the “why” behind people’s behaviors points to their motivations. And understanding people’s motivations is the first step in creating products, services, and experiences that they will find meaningful and irresistible.

opportunities workshop

Co-creative workshop to inform & engage creative teams.
Highly visual and action-oriented for maximum engagement.