02 / fake it
creative guidelines
stop worrying about authenticity: stepping outside of those limitations can be creatively liberating
1. experiment
Bring new processes and tools into play, especially non-traditional ones that may seem unorthodox/inappropriate for your endeavor.
Redefine creative success to include ideas of risk, transgression, illusion, and tension.
2. stop making digital “real”
Unshackle yourself from trying to reproduce the physical world in the digital experiences you create.
Play with the boundaries of what is intuitive and understandable by pushing the edges of what UX can be when it unshackled from visual and conceptual skeuomorphics.
3. hack your heritage
Experiment with the boundaries between frivolous and meaningful disruption—find the sweet spot that honors heritage without being held back by it. Strive for relevance first, authenticity second.
Update your icons with fresh dimensions of tech, material, or customization. Lego modern ideas onto heritage forms, updating performance, appearance, and functionality.